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Medication Safety Practices to Observe at Home

Medication Safety Practices to Observe at Home

Medications can be both our friend and foe depending on how these are used. Responsible adherence can promote healing and faster recovery. Unmindful usage, on the other hand, can result in accidents and overdose, which are harmful to the person concerned.

As a pharmacy in Kissimmee, Florida, we are here to be your trusted health care partner. Here is a set of medication safety actions that we need to practice at home to protect our household from emergencies caused by medicines:

  • Follow Storage Instructions

    If you read your medicine’s label, there is going to be an explicit instruction there as to how the drug should be stored. Some medicines are unable to withstand heat and moisture and, as a result, their potency can decline when they are exposed to such elements. Follow the instructions indicated as to how the drug should be stored so that you can preserve its potency.

  • Monitor Expiration Date

    Medicines come with their expiration dates. This information is indicated to let us know that the medicine’s potency may not be as effective after that printed date. When you’re administering medicines to your loved one at home, always check if the medicine hasn’t expired yet. This is very practical if you’re storing medicines for children who frequently get sick throughout the year.

  • Keep Out of Children’s Reach

    When we have children in the family, we know how their curiosity can take them to any area at home. This puts them at risk of accidentally ingesting on a colorful pill mistaking it for candy. Because of this, you need to ensure that your medicines are stored in a place where they can’t be reached. Either you keep it in the locked cabinet along with your healthcare supplies or not, what’s important is that they can’t have immediate access to it.

Being a diabetes care pharmacy in Florida, we hope that you will observe these safety measures at home so that the medicines can truly work its purpose for your health goals. For your other medicine-related concerns, ask us at West Lake Pharmacy.

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