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5 Lesser-Known Things About Vitamins

5 Lesser-Known Things About Vitamins
It’s not enough to know that vitamins are important for our overall health. As a pharmacy in Kissimmee, Florida, let us also share some helpful information about vitamins. After all, vitamins are also like other medications. We need to observe safety practices so that we can take full advantage of them. We hope that the following guidelines can help:
  1. Refrigerate Oils or Probiotics If your medicines are made of oil or are probiotics, store them inside your refrigerators. Exposing them to light and moisture can change their components.
  2. Vitamin-to-Medicine Interaction Indeed, some vitamins may negatively to the medicines you’re taking. For instance, patients who are taking aspirin may experience having reduced vitamin C in the body. In this situation, the patient needs to take vitamin C supplement – of course, you need to check with your doctor or pharmacist to get proper advice about drug interactions.
  3. Synthetic Vitamins Fruits and vegetables are natural sources of vitamins. Yet, there are instances that a person needs to take synthetic vitamins as these are easier to absorb. An example for this is folate for pregnant women.
  4. Overdosage That’s correct. Taking vitamins beyond their indicated dosage is not healthy. Overdosage can also affect your liver and may result in liver damage. When you get your vitamins from a diabetes care pharmacy in Florida, you can also ask the pharmacist about overdosage.
  5. Pair Vitamins with the Right Food Some vitamins are best absorbed by the body when taken with certain foods. For instance, fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K can best be utilized when taken with fatty foods. However, ensure that the fats are plant-based.
You can maximize the benefits of your vitamins when you know the best way to take them. At West Lake Pharmacy, your provider of trusted healthcare supplies, we are also here to help you with your questions about vitamins and medicines. If you want to learn more, feel free to contact us. Don’t forget to share this with a friend!
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