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Senior Care Tips for Coping with the Coronavirus Outbreak

Senior Care Tips for Coping with the Coronavirus Outbreak

Today, there are 1.7 million cases of coronavirus in the United States with 84% recovered or discharged patients as of this writing. Unfortunately, older adults are more vulnerable to severe illness due to preexisting medical conditions, such as heart disease or diabetes. Hence, it’s vital to take the necessary precautions when you’re caring for an elderly loved one.

As your trusted pharmacy in Kissimmee, Florida, we at West Lake Pharmacy will share senior care tips to help cope with the ongoing pandemic:

  • Take preventative steps.
    The most effective method of preventing illness is by taking everyday preventative steps at home. Clean and disinfect the most used rooms at home and wash your hands frequently. If you are a family member is sick, stay at home, and minimize physical contact.
  • Stay connected.
    Community quarantine can take its toll on seniors’ social needs. Although it’s important to practice social distancing, it’s just as vital to prevent social isolation too. To help seniors connect with their friends and family, show them how to use their smartphones or laptops to send messages or call people online.
  • Keep your senior loved one involved.
    One way to keep your senior loved one involved is by watching the news together and keeping updated on the latest news. If they have a preexisting condition like diabetes, encourage them to take an active role in the care plan following your diabetes care pharmacy in Florida.
  • Keep yourself healthy.
    Most importantly, keep yourself healthy and take the necessary steps to avoid becoming infected. Aside from practicing social distancing and proper handwashing, make sure to avoid large crowds and to clean frequently used surfaces at home. Additionally, disinfect delivered packages such as grocery items or healthcare supplies before usage.
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